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Midleton Cycling & Triathlon Club Constitution.

1. NAME:

The name of the club shall be the Midleton Cycling & Triathlon Club, herein referred to as the Club.


Our main aim is to encourage and promote participation in both cycling & triathlon activities throughout the East Cork area. In particular it is our goal to grow both the Juvenile & beginner sections of the club to incorporate a much wider base.


Membership is open to all who pay the annual membership fee, having agreed to abide by the Club Code of conduct. The Club is strictly apolitical and non discriminatory.


The Annual Subscription for membership of the Club shall be agreed at the A.G.M. All renewal membership subscriptions must be paid within one calendar month of the A.G.M.


The Club will meet on dates to be specified by the Committee from time to time. Members will be given ample notice of these dates


Responsibility for management of the Club will be vested in a Committee that will consist of a Chairperson, Honorary Secretary, Treasurer and Public Relations Officer (P.R.O.) and committee officers. This Committee will be elected by the general membership at the A.G.M., which will be held annually. Eligibility for election to the Committee is only open to those who have been in active membership for at least six months. Candidates for election to any office on the Committee shall be nominated by two members of the Club in writing to the Hon. Secretary one week prior to the A.G.M. If two or more candidates run for the same position a vote will be taken of the members present at the A.G.M. All such elections will be conducted by a secret ballot with simple majority rule. In the case of a tie the winner to be decided by lot. Subject to the foregoing, the Committee will have the right to co-opt new members to the Committee in the event of any existing member resigning or having been vacated from his/her position. Competitions and event co-ordinators etc. will be appointed as required throughout the year. Motions for discussion at the A.G.M. must be handed to the Hon. Secretary two weeks prior to the A.G.M. Any amendments or deletions require to be passed by a two-thirds majority of those present at the A.G.M. The Committee has the right to expel or suspend any member who, in the opinion of the Committee, has acted in a manner harmful to the Club.


The Committee will direct and control all expenditure of the Club funds. Proper accounts will be kept and a full balance sheet produced each year by the Committee at the A.G.M. All Club income will be banked in the Club’s name. The Treasurer and one other authorised signatory will sign withdrawals by cheque on the club’s account.


The Committee/Club will not be responsible for the safety and health of any member of the Club at any time whether at meetings or any outings arranged by the Club. Neither shall they be responsible for any of the members’ equipment, club related or otherwise. Any Persons, wishing to join the Midleton Cycling & Triathlon Club, or renew their membership, must enter into a signed agreement to abide by the constitution, code of conduct of the club.


The foregoing is the Constitution, Rules and Conditions of membership of the Midleton Cycling & Triathlon Club and can only be changed by the wishes of the members at an A.G.M or E.G.M. of the Club. Any such change will require a two-thirds majority of the membership.


Current Sitting Committee:

Andrew Bowen    Chairperson

Reece Bawden     Hon Secretary

David Baily          Treasurer

Sally Drennan      P.R.O and Safeguard Officer

Ronan Forde        Triathlon Representative

Helen Leonard     Women's Officer


General Committee members:

Tina Forde

Lisa O'Lomasney

Brendan Hennessy

Patsy Cashman

Daire Brethnach

Peter Moloney

Fiona Fitzgerald

Colum Foley

Jerry O'Sullivan




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Midleton Cycling and Triathlon Club

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